029: Specialization is for Insects (Flipping Items from ONE Niche vs. MULTIPLE Niches?)
The Flipping Ninja
Host: A.J. Hakimi
What You Need to Know [Episode Summary]:
In this episode A.J. answers the following question:
“If I wanna get into flipping, should I go out and flip items from one niche, or should I flip things from multiple niches? What types of things should I flip and where should I start?”
Is it better to broaden your scope and get into a lot of different categories, or is it better to stick to just one category?
Which makes more money?
Find out in this episode.
3 Value Bombs:
- Flipping items from just one category is good. But flipping items from MULTIPLE categories — is 1,000x better and more profitable.
- When flipping items from one niche only, you only have one “stream” of income, or one “flow” from that one category. When flipping items from MULTIPLE niches, you’ve got MULTIPLE streams or flows of income coming your way. Much better.
- Learn the principles of selling and marketing — and you can apply your skills in any niche, industry, and category, and be 10x more successful and make more money.
“The richest people in the world, the top millionaires, have multiple flows of income. When you think of yourself and flipping — have the same mentality. You want to have multiple “flows” of income from multiple different categories of items. Don’t limit yourself.”
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
— Robert Heinlein
What to Do Next:
Do you love flipping and want to learn more money-making and marketing secrets? Are you ready to earn 1K on the side? Here’s what to do next to make that happen!
SOME GOOD CONTENT TO BINGE: I recommend you binge read (and listen to) everything you can on my website (the one you’re on now!). It is 100% FREE and will train you enough to be able to go make money right away – even if you’re a beginner.
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